FaxWare |
The FaxWare
fax client allows users to fax any document from any application. After
printing to the designated FaxWare printer, the user is presented with a
simple form that allows the user to charge the job to the appropriate
party. A standard, firm-defined cover page may be generated by simply filling out the appropriate fields in the FaxWare form. Confirmation page is automatically emailed to the user once the CostWare fax server sends the fax. |

- Document
is printed to FaxWare printer
- FaxWare
popup intercepts job and requires charge assignment and fax
- Job
is released after completed form is submitted
- Transaction
is saved in database
- FaxWare
server emails confirmation to user after fax is sent

- FaxWare
form completed, including optional phone number and cover page
- Number
dialed on fax, unless already included in form
- Pages
received and stored by server as PDF
- Transaction
saved in database
- Fax
forwarded to destination
emailed to user or printed via fax machine